The Foundation recently approved a grant for the school’s subscription to BrainPop, a fantastic online educational resource. BrainPop offers animated videos on a broad array of subjects such as science, history, math, arts and music. It is designed to increase student engagement, illustrate complex topics and enrich STEM education. Somerset teachers at all grade levels will use BrainPop to support instruction, and students can also log on to it at home. So parents–the next time your child asks a question that leaves you stumped, open up BrainPop! (Login: somersetel Password: brain pop)
In addition, the Foundation approved a grant to provide the teachers with books that support their professional development. As a part of the school’s improvement plan, the Somerset staff is divided into three different professional learning communities: one for reading/writing, one for STEM, and one for school engagement. Each group has selected a book to read, discuss, and present to the entire staff. These books include “The Daily Five,” “Guided Math in Action,” and “Mindset.” The grant will provide each teacher with a copy of the chosen book.
News & Recent Grants
Spring Party Raises Almost $8,000 for Foundation Initiatives
All had a good time at the lovely home of Janet and Brett Lambert during the annual Somerset Elementary School Foundation Spring Party. About 150 Somerset parents, teachers and friends gathered on Saturday, May 10th for what turned out to be a lovely evening of relaxing and enjoying fiesta themed food and beverages. The event raised about $8,000 for the Foundation which will help support grants such as after school programs, enhanced digital learning, new books, and teacher learning enrichment.
We would like to mention a note of thanks to Michael Pollak for photography during the evening, Perry Smith for the fabulous cocktails, and our guests who were so generous with their donations. And finally, a special note of thanks to Janet and Brett for so graciously hosting us in their gorgeous home. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again next year!
Somerset Foundation and PTA to Purchase New Computers
The Somerset Foundation and Somerset PTA are working in collaboration to purchase two laptop computers for Ms. Ranganathan 5th grade classroom. Her classroom, newly added this year, currently has two computers, while the norm for Somerset classrooms is to have four. Our students use their computers daily for reading and math centers/stations, writing projects, and curricular research. Thanks again to our school community for your generosity which makes grant like this possible!
Foundation Gives Grant Toward Literacy System at Somerset
The Somerset Foundation approved a grant of $4,800 toward the purchase of literacy materials for children at Somerset in grades 3-5 who need extra reading support. The “Leveled Literacy Intervention System” has already been in use for grades K-2, and has proven to be enormously successful in raising the reading scores of struggling readers, as well as those still learning English. Expanding this system to the upper grades will give teachers a powerful and proven tool to improve reading scores, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Thank you to our donors who allow us to make this grant and others like it.